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Ok so twitter away…. – Mombie Fitness

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July 25, 2008
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Ok so twitter away….

image This whole phenomenon I had hoped would pass me has sucked me in.  I’ve caved. My husband has been tweeting away for some time, and until this week I have successfully resisted. Thinking, who cares what I tweet, what on earth is a tweet, and why on earth would I “status” update people who have no idea who I am. Which brought me to this:

What’s a tweet:

A tweet is essentially an update on what you are doing. You have 140 characters to make it count. Essentially it’s a “status update” for those of you familiar with Facebook.

Who tweet’s:

Everyone. From your best friends, to people you’ve never met, even David Usher is on twitter. Oh and for those of you who are American, even Obama is on Twitter! So recently and willingly I’ve become a fan of twitter and it’s nuances– I get surprised and stupidly excited when someone “follows” me on twitter. Now, note, someone can be “followed” (ie.—you get their tweets) but they’re not necessarily following you. So if someone “famous” has 4000 people following them, they may only be following 600 people.

Why does anyone care what I tweet:

Why does anyone care about blogs? Because it allows you to peak into the little things in other people’s lives. Most people are Voyeurs at heart (hence the lasting popularity of reality TV 10 years later). People generally like to hear that so and so is playing with their kids, or so and so is out for lunch with the girls. It the space in between the emails and blog posts!

Something I found out because of Twitter:

Tweightloss-This new weight loss support team is scheduled to begin on Monday July 28th! This fly by night motion for weight loss came about when Audrey McClellan (Former NYC fashion maven, raising 4 boys under 4–she’s my new superhero) posted on her twitter feed that she had wanted to lose some weight. Low and behold many, many, many others also responded that they too also needed to drop some weight. And a new baby was born–Tweightloss. Please check out her blog to find out more about this next new craze on losing weight!

So do you want an in depth walk through on Twitter? Please click on Jane’s blog for a really in depth walk through on how to get on the wave that is Twitter!

The bottom line

It’s a cute little tool that let’s people know what you’re up to, from folding laundry to getting your dry cleaning. You can have the “updates” sent to your cell to always be informed. Although I’d be interested to know how many more people who have blackberries tweet. Texting on my cell phone is horribly slow, I’m sure that if more of my mommy friends had blackberries, twitter would be a bigger craze among the mommy crowd.

Follow me on twitter!

  1. Pingback: Twitter for moms? Why of course! Check out! | Real Tech Mom

  2. Reply

    I have a Twitter for Dummies Post you might want to check out:

  3. Reply

    I have a Twitter for Dummies Post you might want to check out:

  4. Reply

    Twitter is addicting! I am mark_salinas on Twitter! Tweightloss is such a fantastic idea!

  5. Reply

    as if i don’t already waste too much time on this thing…

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