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When to get rid of Soothers and Nipples from your bottles – Mombie Fitness

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July 4, 2008

When to get rid of Soothers and Nipples from your bottles

So recently I’ve noticed some wear on my son’s favourite soother. And after an episode of Simpsons prompted me to keep more then one of the same brand of soother available to my child (for sheer fear of losing his favourite one) I have been vigilant to change it up every once and a while so this “favourite” does not become his “only” soother!

My son’s brand of choice is the Gerber Nuk. We tried a few different kinds but ultimately the Nuk won out. (thanks mom!) But wow do these things ever wear out quickly, I’ve maybe had the new one for a month and a half and it has started to show wear on it.

With all of the BPA-free hype, it’s made us parents “paranoid” about using anything that “could” contain this chemical that most plastics contain! So after all the years we’ve been eating and drinking things (how many of your water bottles had the little 7 in the recycling box hummm?) containing this harmful chemical only to now learn it’s not safe. (Much like lead paint and asbestos I guess)

Before my son was born I was unsure if I was going to use a soother, my nephew had a real strong attachment to his soother and at three was still clinging on to it for dear life. My sister had tried everything and finally on his third birthday, they’d made a “deal” when he turned three, he was a big boy–no more soother! So we all came over for his birthday party and at the end of it we tied his soother to a helium balloon and said “goodbye” to his soother. We told him that babies needed it more then he did, so we all watched in amazement as he attached it (with mom’s help of course) to the balloon string. Well he let go and waved goodbye like a big boy, all seemed well—until that night. While that soother would never return to their house, a new one certainly did, they luckily had another on in the house to spare. He did eventually (one day out of the blue) did not want it anymore, so there is hope! Ok back to my point!

I was given a great gift by my cousin (who had recently studied to become a Doula) for an in home education on something called The Happiest Baby on the Block. This Doctor (Dr. Harvey Karp) not only suggested it, he advocated, that in the first three months babies need to suck– as a calming reflex. So I decided after three weeks of no sleep and being raw from being sucked on—no fun! That I was going to use a soother. My son; however, had other plans. It was such a war to get him to take it. I guess some would say it’s a blessing in disguise but when he did take it, it was when he was tired and it really did help him calm himself. The good doctor deserves his own posting himself, so please check back for updates.

While doing research for some previous postings, I came across a question that plagued some message boards I belong to: When do I get rid of soothers and bottle nipples?

Gerber’s website stated in their FAQ:

How often should we replace pacifiers?

Pacifiers should be replaced when any type of wear is noticed. The strength of the pacifier should be tested by pulling on the bulb portion. If any tears, stickiness or swelling are noticed, the pacifiers should be discarded and replaced.

Why do the nipples and/or pacifiers get so big?

Continual use of rubber nipples and pacifiers can cause them to swell. Constant sucking action, the acidity of a baby’s saliva, microwaving and excessive boiling are all contributing factors to the breakdown of the rubber. Swollen nipples and pacifiers should be discarded, as they are a choking hazard.

For me, I err on the side of caution and would suggest that when your soother’s become cloudy in colour (if they were clear) I would discard them.  The same thing goes for bottle nipples, if they become misshapen, get some new ones! Also out of all the pacifier maker’s I could find, (online) only Gerber had an answer posted on their website. (see answer above) So really my new motto as a mom has become, “if you are asking yourself, should I do this, is it safe?” answers my question. If I’m questioning it, I’d best not be doing it. But it’s all about going with your instincts, while there are so many outlets of information out there for you gawk at, you as a parent have to trust yourself to know what’s right for your baby!

  1. Reply

    It was my “ideal” before having children to not have to use pacifiers (I like that word you use, soothers…that is the same thing right?). Anyway, we ended up having twins, so I needed “soothers” to help ME from going crazy trying to manage 2 infants. We seem to have these ideas about parenting before it happens, and things end up being a lot different “in practice” compared to the before, “in theory”.

    I too wanted to mention how much “The Happiest Baby on the Block” helped me get through those first few months…my infants went from sleeping not-so-much, to sleeping most of the time (which is what infants should be doing…and sleeping less and less as time goes on). This (sleeping a lot) also seems to be one of natures “built in” sanity-protectors as far as the parents emotional stability is concerned in the early days of stumbling through parenthood.

    God bless “Peefers” and Dr. Harvey Karp

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