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10 things I did that transformed my life. – Mombie Fitness

How do you impact change on the world? Change yourself first.

10 Things I did that Transformed My Life

Erin Carrasco Top Female Canadian Beachbody coach Winnipeg
October 22, 2015
AdviceHealth and Fitness

10 things I did that transformed my life.

My life has changed dramatically over the past few years. I went from being a corporate HR person, stressed ALL the time, away from home, barely saw my kids, and extremely over weight… to a HAPPY WOMAN who gets to choose to stay at home and be present in her family’s life, and not worry how she is going to buy groceries this week.  You see, even though my husband and I had corporate jobs, we were drowning in debt. Something had to change.

I want to share with you the things that I’ve done over the past 2 years that have transformed my life.

1) I decided to accept that where I am in life is where I have put myself. If I don’t like it, no one can change it for me BUT me.

2) That while I am a mom, I am also a woman who needs to develop things I like, and take time for me. I used to feel guilty asking to go out and do something. Now I just make it a non-negotiable once a week.

3) Napping. Nuff said, this mama bear of 3 needs her naps. It might not be every day but man it’s good to nap. It’s naptastick. Yup, I went there…

4) I started working out everyday (or almost everyday) and made that as necessary as going pee first thing in the morning.

5) I got rid of the negative people in my life, unfollowed and unfriened people on facebook that did not align with who I wanted to become.

6) I got a mentor, someone who has done what I wanted to do and was willing to tell me when I was dogging it….which not surprisingly was a lot of the time.

7) I decided that being like anyone else was a waste of time when I’m a pretty fantastic person myself, but looking at the behaviours successful people did and changed them into how they could work for me changed the game.

8) I started a business at home. I am not naturally an entrepreneur so a lot of what i do is VERY outside my comfort zone as an introvert.

9)I decided that no one can make me do what I need to do each day and that most of my “reasons” for not doing stuff were really just excuses in disguise.

10) I started to make myself a better person by reading personal development AND then taking action by doing a course. Making myself develop things in me that needed work was the hardest yet BEST decision I ever made. It made me a better mom, friend, wife, and leader. And who DOESN’T want that.


I hope that this lists helps someone out there make a stride towards a better them, and don’t try to do it all 100% all at once, start small <3 you got this!


    • Liana
    • March 6, 2017

    HI there,

    I would be interested in your class. Are you still teaching?

    • Reply

      Hey Liana!
      All of my groups for fitness are run online so that means you would workout in your own home vs a gym setting. If you are interested I can shoot you some more information!

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