I have been neglecting my blog lately, and I wrote this a few weeks back on Twittermoms.com so I thought I would share it with all of you!
Every summer there is one spider that hangs out in my window. He sits between my screen and the outside window. Every fall I flush him out–or so i think, and every year he comes back, or it’s probably not the same spider but it’s kind of fun to think that he is.
A week ago, my husband was cleaning the kitchen–yes it happens a few times a year, and says, "OMG there’s a huge spider in the window, hold on (I was talking to him at the time) for a second while I kill him." So I shout NOOOOOO he’s my buddy. Apparenlty that was the last thing he’d ever thought he’d hear me say. LOL
So today I had the window open for him to get some food in his web—yes I’ve become maternal to the stupid thing. and a little mosquito got stuck, well disturbingly enough my "little buddy" was no longer cute as I saw him charge the mosquito and grab him, and run back into the side of the window so he could devour him.
While I hate mosquito’s it was gross to see the spider attack LOL I think i’ll do some fall cleaning this weekend, it’s time for him to move on LOL
Well I did some cleaning but left the window open and wouldn’t you know he came back! So last night I had to flush him out again, it was tricky I tell you! Imagine me waiting by the window until he was sitting on the glass and then quickly opening it up, and taking my kitchen sink hose thingy (I don’t know the technical name for it) and spraying him until he fell off! Guess that window is staying closed until spring.
That is too funny Erin. I guess this is what motherhood does to us!