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Erin’s pretty needy according to Google… – Mombie Fitness

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December 11, 2008

Erin’s pretty needy according to Google…

So I was reading my Google reader this morning and Connie at The Young and The Relentless put this neat post up that she “borrowed/stole/copied” from Julie’s blog. 

All you have to do is type in your name and then needs, without the quotations, so here goes!

Erin needs another miracle…yes my son certainly was a miracle but I don’t want another one of those right now thank you very much.

Erin needs to wear shirts…Well I know I’m not the most fashion conscious person, I KNOW I put on a shirt in the morning!

Erin needs Dani to be good…  I don’t know a Dani, but I’m sure somewhere Dani should be good!

Erin needs facebook…yes, yes she does.

imageErin needs new music…

What’s wrong with all  90’s all the time? Well maybe I could use a little bit of new music..just a little. Just don’t throw out my marky mark and the funky bunch (gosh can you believe he’s a serious actor now?)

Erin needs two more seconds…Doesn’t everybody? Can I have 5 more minutes instead?

Erin needs to visit the library soon…I guess I should, the doctor told me to check out a book about vaccines. I think I’ll procrastinate a little longer.

A little twist. here are the video results:

Needs a servant—did you read my Christmas list Santa?

Needs a drink—did you read my Christmas list Santa?

Needs to take her meds—did you read my—wait a minute, I’m not on any meds. Should I be?

Needs a break—and no kitkat’s don’t count!

Needs a cable access show-Well I guess I’ll start with that, the move on to HBO.


While I was doing this for my blog, I am across someone with my name (of course there was not a soul with the name Erin in the 80’s, but now I find you everywhere!) who had done this in 2007, this is how it Erin from the Loony Bin compares:

I need:

  • Another miracle
  • a drink (that would be nice. Mike finished the iced tea last night and didn’t start another jug brewing, so I’ve had to make do with orange Kool-Aid)
  • to go to bed
  • to concentrate on her surf lines and understand that one Phil Collins is enough (???)
  • volunteers
  • an exorcism
  • to be naked too (I’m 7.5 months pregnant. I try to be naked as little as possible.)
  • Paul more than he needs her
  • his Lordship, a martial artist apprentice
  • a life
  • some sleep
  • money for her parents
  • to study for a test
  • needs know how to act like a tour guide when she’s just getting her bearings herself
  • a bodyguard (really? is there something I should know?)
  • to take a deep breath
  • to get approval for a class field trip to the Holocaust Museum
  • to confirm
  1. That is great! I love Marky Mark too. He is so ummmmmm….sorry, lost my train of thought!

    I love reading these!

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