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Blast from the past: Give up breast feeding? – Mombie Fitness

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September 8, 2008

Blast from the past: Give up breast feeding?

Here is a posting (from from when Dominic was 6 weeks old, so for all of you parents who think, Oh MY GOD I can’t do this anymore,  I promise you, you can. I’m proud to say that I’m still breastfeeding 6 months later:


I think I’ve reached my breaking point.  I have been EBF since the beginning and I realize that he’s just never going to sleep longer then 3 hours tops.. right now it’s 1.5 hrs and max 2 but he’s super fussy while he sleeps..I know this is his growth spurt but i can’t take it anymore.


I went and bought formula but I can’t bare to give it to him. (for all you mom’s who are giving formula I’m not saying it’s bad at all. Most of you are doing it for some reason or another that has to do with what’s best for your child) I’m thinking of giving up BF’ing because it may be what’s best for me.


This past week has been really tough with Dom still being sick (still no fever, no cough and his mucous is still clear/white) He was doing so well in his crib but now won’t go in it longer then 10 mins.. I understand it’s cause he’s sick and wants to be close to mom but I’m going to lose it.


Today was esp tough as he was waking every 45 mins and it was taking me an hour and a bit to get him to sleep only to have him wake up and feed again for another 30-40 mins (usually 10-20 mins does it) so i started to question my milk supply.. got DH to buy Fenugreek and blessed thistle.. took some tonight to see if it will up my milk supply.


But my reason for giving it up or atleast supplementing with formula is purely selfish.. I can’t do this 1.5 hrs anymore… I’m sooo tired.. I’m over tired and he’s so darn fussy when he sleeps that even if he’s in bed I don’t really sleep.  SO i bought some cans of Enfamil… I wanted to get the gentle ease but they only have a big can and it was 30$ so I decided to wait to see if he’ll even like it.


Someone once said that if you can make it 6 weeks bf’ing you can do it.. We’ll he’s 6 weeks today and today has been one of my worst days. I"m so flipping tired i don’t even want to go to bed, because what’s the flipping point he’ll wake up as soon as i put my head down. I’m so sick of him sleeping on me or beside me and still fussing.. I JUST WANT SOME SLEEP. I just don’t think i can do this for much longer. I makes me resent him and i hate that because i know he’s just hungry. He won’t take the soother because he’s stuffed. so he just wants to suck on me and i’m tired of it.



The bottom line

Well ladies, I’m very happy to report that i never gave up breastfeeding, because as they start to sleep longer it was easier for me to offer the breast. It took until he was three months old for him to sleep longer then 3 hours at at time. I promise you that every mom feels lost at one point. This post received so much support from the women on the message boards that i actually cried when i read it. The first 6 weeks are the hardest but the first three months aren’t easy either. After three months it got A LOT easier..

Some words of encouragement, not everyone breastfeeds. There are women out there who are fabulous mommies who for some reason or another could not breastfeed, please take that into consideration.

My husband was reading this post saying "oh I remember that," I said "oh do you?!" and he realized that as bad as it was for him it was worse for us.

If you can breastfeed and are managing to produce enough milk, know that I’m right there with you, frustrated with the latch, the no sleep and the constant feeding, it WILL get better.

If anyone needs support or has questions please email me at

    • Cal
    • June 28, 2011

    Erin, it is so great that you are sharing your experiences and reaching out to other mom’s who are maybe silently suffering through the same things. I’m still waiting for my LO to arrive (she’s late) but I find reading these types of stories is preparing me for what’s to come and know that yes, times will be tough, but to remember, I can make it through.

  1. Pingback: The breast… | Real Tech Mom

    • Christine
    • September 11, 2008

    Oh I SO remember those days. *shudders. What a walk down memory lane. Mind you with her sleeping so crazily its kinda been like that arround here for the past few weeks. I remember reading your post and thinking, “There, finally someone who totaly GETS what is happening here, how flipping H-A-R-D this is. “

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