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2 years ago today… – Mombie Fitness

Some Of The Recent News

Recent News

March 4, 2010

2 years ago today…

I became a mother.   Wow, what did I get myself into, were probably my first thoughts after the first week of coming home but that’s another story.

2 years ago, my water broke at 7:30 P.M. in prenatal class… for that story click here.

Last year I made his creepy elmo cake and this year I intend to make cookie monster cupcakes… i’ll show them if they’re decent on Saturday.

Things that happened in this past year:

  • Walking: he was a bigger kid and didn’t walk until May 10th when I was at my hair dresser appointment. go figure he waits until i’m not there to start walking.
  • Talking: first words: Dad, Cat and probably the funniest transition to words like Sha for glasses and No for yes, with the recent transition to No, Si .
  • TV/Movies him laughing and paying attention to movies.
  • Getting dressed: he helps put on his clothes now, and still hates getting his diaper changed.
  • Putting words together and having likes and dislikes, it might be as simple as mommy and gome means he wants me to take him home.
  • Playing a harmonica
  • Saying MOMMY! it only took 18 months 🙂

Most of all,  how much of a person he’s turned into. That he laughs and tries to make us happy if we pretend to cry.

While I’ve never been more tired in my life, it’s so worth it. He is such an amazing addition to my life.  I never imagined the rollercoaster of emotions and the intensity of love I could feel for our son.

I’m so blessed to have become a mother, to those of you who are about to be moms. you will learn more then you’ve ever thought possible, you’ll find what works and what doesn’t. To those new moms, the beginning is the hardest thing I’ve ever done but it does get easier and honestly  you will appreciate the good times much more after the hard times

So to Dominic, happy birthday, you are the light and love of my life and you make me a better person. The sky is the limit, I only hope to help you want to reach it.

Love Mom and Dad.

Please help all those affected by the Chilean earthquake.

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